I'm facing the same problem that this guy here:
Since he didn't gave a feedback and I'm new here and can't ask him if he solved his problem I'm opening a new question.
I'm using ubuntu and have JDK7 from java oracle installed.
I'm consuming a thirdparty web service. The password (...GT@#ED...) for the webservice have a character that conflicts with de -Xauthfile syntax (http[s]://user:password@host:port//) because of the "@". The dots (...) represents the rest of my password.
Here is the command I'm running:
wsimport -p loa -Xauthfile "path_to_auth.txt" https://myWS?wsdl
In my auth.txt file I have:
In return a get
parsing WSDL...
[ERROR] Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: https://myWS?wsdl,
"https://myWS?wsdl" needs authorization, please provide authorization file with
read access at /home/user_name/.metro/auth or use -Xauthfile to give the
authorization file and on each line provide authorization information using this
format : http[s]://user:password@host:port//<url-path>
I search all over the net, but no success.
When I try to import the WS using SoapUI like in this tutorial I got a
[ERROR] sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid
certification path to requested target
and I don't know where to specify the ssl file for SoapUI. I tryed in
preferences -> SSL Settings
but no lucky.
That's it. I'll apreciate any help.
OK, so I pass through the authorization, changing the characters using the HTML URL Encoding Reference, but now I'm getting the following error
[ERROR] Server redirected too many times (20), "https://ws?wsdl" needs
authorization, please provide authorization file with read access at /home/user
/.metro/auth or use -Xauthfile to give the authorization file and on each line
provide authorization information using this format :
I am using Apache axis2 instead of wsimport. first this problem happened for me, and I write a bash script and it worked.
I also use encoding password and username by 'url encoding' such as bellow:
@#%g3E99! -(URL encoding)-> %40%23%25g3E99%21