I'm trying to write the following Monoid instance for Cofree:
instance (Monoid a, Monoid (f (Cofree f a))) => Monoid (Cofree f a) where
mempty = mempty :< mempty
(a :< rest) `mappend` (b :< rest') = (a `mappend` b) :< (rest `mappend` rest')
but I'm getting the following error:
• Variable ‘f’ occurs more often
in the constraint ‘Monoid (f (Cofree f a))’
than in the instance head
(Use UndecidableInstances to permit this)
• In the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (Cofree f a)’
I've come across Undecidable Instances before, but I'm not really sure WHY this is undecidable, and how can I fix it? Do I need to add UndecidableInstances? Thanks!!