I am working on a class that will read and write binary data to/from a file.
I am testing it by sending an 'a'
. When I sent it to cout
and it worked. I sent it to a text file, it sent î.
What is different about the ofstream that is causing this?
#include <iostream>
#include "bin2.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
bin myBin("e:\\Temp\\test.txt");
char data[1];
data[0] = 'a';
myBin.write(data, 1);
return 0;
#pragma once
#include <fstream>
class bin
std::ofstream outfile;
std::ifstream infile;
std::filebuf *outBuff, *inBuff;
int buffSize = 5;
char* buffer;
//0 = input, 1 = output, 2 = ready to delete, 3 = unitialized
char mode = 3;
//constructor with no parameters
bin(){ ; };
//if 'this' is constructed with a file, call init() to set object up
bin(char fileName[])
void init(char fileName[])
//check if isUninitialized
if (!isUninitialized())
//open the file and make sure it opened
if (!outfile.is_open() || !infile.is_open())
throw std::runtime_error((std::string)"Failed to open file " + fileName);
//create buffer, get pointers to filebuffs, and set them to the new buffer
buffer = new char[buffSize];
outBuff = outfile.rdbuf();
outBuff->pubsetbuf(buffer, buffSize);
inBuff = infile.rdbuf();
inBuff->pubsetbuf(buffer, buffSize);
//set mode to input
mode = 0;
//if any exceptions were thrown, call the cleanup then rethrow the exception so
// the caller can handle the error as well
catch (std::exception & ex) {
throw ex;
virtual ~bin(){
//methods to check mode
bool modeIsInput(){ return mode == 0; };
bool modeIsOutput(){ return mode == 1; };
bool isReadyToDel(){ return mode == 2; };
bool isUninitialized(){ return mode == 3; };
std::string getMode(){
switch (mode) {
case 0: return "input";
case 1: return "output";
case 2: return "readyToDel";
case 3: return "unitialized";
default: return "invalid";
//method to write data into the object
bin * write(char data[], int length){
//make sure object is in input mode
if (mode != 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot write to object when not in input mode. Current mode = " + getMode());
std::cout << "Writing data: ";
std::cout.write(data, length);
std::cout << std::endl;
//end of DEBUG
//write data and return pointer to object
outfile.write(data, length);
return this;
void cleanup()
delete buffer;
//change mode to readyToDel
mode = 2;
I copied my code as is and saved it it in a different file. The problem is solved, but I have no idea what caused it.