Writing a text file into an array on Forth

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I have a text file, containing an array of numbers such as:

1 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0

I have opened the text file with the following code:

variable file-id
: open_file ( -- ) \ Opens the text file
  s" c:\etc\textfile.txt" r/w open-file throw
  file-id ! ;

I have also created an array to store this data:

create an_array 25 chars allot \ Create the array

: reset_array ( -- ) big_array 25 0 fill ;
reset_array \ Set all elements to 0

Is there a way to write the contents of the text file into the array with Forth?


There are 1 answers


1. Lazy way

A lazy way is to just evaluate a file by performing included on the file name.

\ Some library-level common words
\ --------------------------------

\ Store n chars from the stack into the array at c-addr, n >= 0
: c!n ( n*x n c-addr -- )
  >r begin dup while ( i*x i )
    \ store top from i*x into addr+(i-1)*char_size
    1- tuck chars r@ + c! ( j*x j )
  repeat drop rdrop

\ Execute xt and produce changing in the stack depth
: execute-balance ( i*x xt -- j*x n ) depth 1- >r execute depth r> - ;

: included-balance ( i*x c-addr u -- j*x n )
  ['] included execute-balance 2 +

\ The program
\ --------------------------------

create myarray 25 chars allot \ Create the array

: read-myfile-numbers ( -- i*x i )
  state @ abort" Error: only for interpretation"
  s" ./mynumbers.txt" included-balance
: write-myarray ( i*x i -- )
  dup 25 <> abort" Error: exactly 25 numbers are expected"
  myarray c!n
: fill-myarray-from-myfile ( -- )
  read-myfile-numbers write-myarray

2. Tidy way

A careful way is to read a file (completely, or line by line), split the text into lexemes, convert lexemes into numbers, then store the numbers into your array.

See: How to enter numbers in Forth .

On a low level it can be done via read-file or read-line, something like word|tail and >number (or something like StoN library word from the example above).

On a higher level: use Gforth specific words like execute-parsing or execute-parsing-file, parse-name and s>number?

: next-lexeme ( -- c-addr u|0 )
  begin parse-name ?dup if exit then ( addr )
    refill 0= if 0 exit then drop
: read-myfile-numbers ( -- i*x i )
  s" ./mynumbers.txt" r/o open-file throw
    0 begin next-lexeme dup while
      s>number? 0= abort" Error: NaN" d>s swap 1+
    repeat 2drop
  ;] execute-parsing-file

If you need to read too many numbers, you have to write them into the array one by one at once, instead of placing all of them into the stack.