I am consistently running a report and creating tables for this report. Now other users are running thsi report as well. So I need users to be able to run stored procedure simultaniously without worry of overwriting tables. I tried using a simple temp table but I need the temporary table to work through out two "functions." One dynamic sql statement that creates a table and one dynamic sql statment thats table driven.
My primary issue is I want the table driven piece of code to be able to see the global temporary table variable but it does not. Is there a work around for this while still using temporary tables? is there a way to run both dynamic sql statements at once so the other type of temp table would work?
Any advice in the right direction is helpful. Thank you.
DECLARE @TmpGlobalTable varchar(255) = 'SomeText_' + convert(varchar(36),NEWID())
SELECT IDENTITY(INT) as idcol, date, Desc As [Description]
INTO [##' + @TmpGlobalTable + ']
FROM dbo.appendix
WHERE RecordStatus = 1
and casestatement from user input
Declare @sql1 varchar(max) = ''
insert into dbo.'+@table+'
select ''1'', '''+date+''' as Sequence, Description as Description_color, buyer, seller, price, option
from '+@ClientTable+'
where isnull('+Seq+',9999) <= cutoffvalue
group by description , buyer, seller, price, option
[##' + @TmpGlobalTable + ']
EXEC ('DROP TABLE [##' + @TmpGlobalTable + ']')
PRINT 'Dropped Table ' + @TmpGlobalTable