The approach i've taken is to detect if TabItem HEADER was clicked (and ignore clicks elsewhere).
Attempt 1:
If I hookup a mouse preview event in the TabControl's XAML's
<TabControl PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown = "TabControl_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image />
<TextBlock />
<TextBlock />
<TabItem Header="etc" />
<TabItem Header="blah" />
<TabItem Header="blah" />
, the resulting event handler fires every time a click occurs in any element within the TabControl. This is to be expected, due to tunnelling / bubbling etc.
However, i want to detect if a click occurred in the TabHeader region, so i can take special action, and ignore all other cases.
Now in the event handler
private void TabControl_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
, none of the parameters sender, e.Source, e.OriginalSource is helpful to say with certainty that i clicked on the tabheader.
Attempt 2:
Moved the wiring of the event to individual TabItems instead of TabControl; Ditto, no joy, the parameters sender, source, etc are similarly useless.
Attempt 3:
Moved the wiring of the event to the StackPanel within the TabItem.
This looked more promising, in that the Preview Down event only occurs on a click to the header, which is just what i want; BUT sometimes the event does not fire, due to styling issues; The StackPanel may not necessarily cover the whole of the TabItem header region ! (And anyway, me thinks any solution dependent on styling would be dodge to the max)
What am i trying to achieve?
I want to intercept the TabControl's SelectionChanged event, prior to it occuring. i.e. in the WinForms world we would probably have some event called TabControl_SelectionChanging. But since in the advanced modern world of WPF /sarcasm there is no such luxury, i had to resort to PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown.
If this can be achieved via fine tuning either of the attempts above, or in some totally new way, please send ideas / code.