I have a WPF DataGrid and I am setting up columns manually in code behind. I am trying to set the column size to Auto with the following code:

customBoundColumn.Width = double.NaN;

But then at run-time I get the following error:

Value should not be infinity. Parameter name: value

I read in many places that double.NaN is what is used to set the column size to auto. What am I doing wrong?

P.S. customBoundColumn is an instance of DataGridBoundColumn


There are 3 answers


I believe you can simply use DataGridLength.Auto to set your width back to Auto

customBoundColumn.Width = DataGridLength.Auto;
Rohit Vats On

Deafult width and height is Auto for all FrameworkElement-derived classes and so is for dataGrid columns. So, why do you need to set it explicitly in code behind?

Vinit Sankhe On

In versions prior to .Net 4.0, the width of a datagrid column is set as

         customBoundColumn.Width = new DataGridLength(0, DataGridLengthUnitType.Auto);

I am not sure what is it in .Net 4.0.