I'm experimenting with Gatsby.
On the WordPress side I've installed the plugin wp-graphql. (I've also installed wp-graphql-acf, because I've got some ACF fields that I want to expose )
I have two CPT's. For both of the CPT's I've passed the following parameters in the register_post_type array:
'show_in_rest' => true,
'show_in_graphql' => true,
'graphql_single_name' => 'album',
'graphql_plural_name' => 'albums'
I then start 'gatsby develop' and go to the graphiql interface to start looking for data.
In the Explorer I can a toggle with the title allWpAlbum
So: the cpt exists. It is exposed to graphiql. Instances of the CPT exist and are published.
However, I can't figure out to get any actual data. Queries like the following one return empty sets:
query MyQuery {
allWpAlbum {
edges {
node {
So: how do I actually the posts?