I'm working on rewriting a lengthy Rexx script into a Python program and I am trying to figure out the best way to emulate the functionality of a Rexx compound variable. Would a dictionary be the best bet? Obviously, a dictionary will behave differently and won't be exactly the same as a compound variable.
Would a Python dictionary be the equivalent data structure to a Rexx compound variable?
315 views Asked by Trevor Pastrami AtThere are 3 answers

I am not a Python person but I know what a Dictionary is.
Depending on how complex the Rexx compound variable is, yes.
...is easily translatable to a dictionary.
...is less easily translatable to a dictionary. Perhaps a dictionary within a dictionary within a dictionary within a dictionary within a dictionary within a dictionary within a dictionary.

Rexx-Stem variable and python-dictionaries are similar but there are differences. Considder creating a RexxStem class based on a dictionary
Simple Stem expressions
can be translated to python as
Compound Stem expressions
From my experience
would be translated to python as
a[b + '.' + c + '.' + d]
Try running the following rexx with your current interpretter and see what you get:
a.2.3 = 'qwerty'
zz = 2'.'3
say a.zz
in some rexx interpreters you would get 'qwerty'. Not sure if that is all
Initializing a Stem Variables
in rexx you can initialize a stem variable lic
a. = 'abc'
Some common uses are
no = 0
yes = 1
found. = no
if ... then do
found.v = yes
if found.y = yes then do
counts. = 0
do while ...
if ... then do
counts.v = counts.v + 1;
Initial Value of a stem variable
Like all Rexx variables, the default/initial value of a variable so the default value of a.2.3 is A.2.3. If you are coming from another language this may seem strange but it can be quite handy in debugging - if a variable name pops up unexpectedly --> you have not initiated. It also means numeric expressions crash if you do not initialize a variable.
This not something you need to implement, just be aware of.
Python dictionaries and Rexx stems are both associative arrays. They differ a bit in how they behave. Rexx's rules are very simple:
stem. = value
, which applies to all unset elements.So, the result of a an array reference
in Python is: