I'm developing a bank app for a company using WL enterprise edition with version, I have deployed the WAR file for the application and implemented a securityTest for Mobile and Web.
Everything is working fine on iPhone, Android and web mobile.
However, when i try to connect through BB 10 (z10 or Q10) i'm getting this error on the server log.
Error log:
LoginContext E com.worklight.core.auth.impl.LoginContext processRequest FWLSE0117E: Error code: 4, error description: AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, error message: An error occurred while performing authentication using loginModule WLDeviceNoProvisioningLoginModule, User Identity Not available. [project MobileBanking] [project MobileBanking]
the authenticationConfig.xml is the following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
5725-I43 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2013. All Rights Reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. -->
<resource id="subscribeServlet" securityTest="SubscribeServlet">
<mobileSecurityTest name="MobileBankingTestMobile">
<testDeviceId provisioningType="none" />
<testDirectUpdate mode="perSession" />
<webSecurityTest name="MobileBankingTest">
<testUser realm="MobileBankingRealm" />
<customSecurityTest name="SubscribeServlet">
<test realm="SubscribeServlet" isInternalUserID="true"/>
<realm loginModule="BankingLoginModule" name="MobileBankingRealm">
<parameter name="login-function" value="MBCAuthenticationAdapter.onAuthRequired" />
<parameter name="logout-function" value="MBCAuthenticationAdapter.onLogout" />
<!-- <realm name="SampleAppRealm" loginModule="StrongDummy">
</realm> -->
<realm name="SubscribeServlet" loginModule="rejectAll">
<!-- For client logger -->
<!-- <realm name="LogUploadServlet" loginModule="StrongDummy">
</realm -->
<!-- For websphere -->
<!-- realm name="WASLTPARealm" loginModule="WASLTPAModule">
<parameter name="login-page" value="/login.html"/>
<parameter name="error-page" value="/loginError.html"/>
</realm -->
<!-- For User Certificate Authentication -->
<!-- realm name="wl_userCertificateAuthRealm" loginModule="WLUserCertificateLoginModule">
<parameter name="dependent-user-auth-realm" value="WASLTPARealm" />
<parameter name="pki-bridge-class" value="com.worklight.core.auth.ext.UserCertificateEmbeddedPKI" />
<parameter name="embedded-pki-bridge-ca-p12-file-path" value="/opt/ssl_ca/ca.p12"/>
<parameter name="embedded-pki-bridge-ca-p12-password" value="capassword" />
</realm -->
<!-- For Trusteer Fraud Detection -->
<!-- Requires acquiring Trusteer SDK -->
<!-- realm name="wl_basicTrusteerFraudDetectionRealm" loginModule="trusteerFraudDetectionLogin">
<parameter name="rooted-device" value="block"/>
<parameter name="device-with-malware" value="block"/>
<parameter name="rooted-hiders" value="block"/>
<parameter name="unsecured-wifi" value="alert"/>
<parameter name="outdated-configuration" value="alert"/>
</realm -->
<loginModule name="BankingLoginModule">
<!-- <loginModule name="StrongDummy">
<loginModule name="requireLogin">
</loginModule> -->
<loginModule name="rejectAll">
<!-- Required for Trusteer - wl_basicTrusteerFraudDetectionRealm -->
<!-- loginModule name="trusteerFraudDetectionLogin">
<!-- For websphere -->
<!-- loginModule name="WASLTPAModule">
</loginModule -->
<!-- Login module for User Certificate Authentication -->
<!-- <loginModule name="WLUserCertificateLoginModule">
</loginModule> -->
<!-- For enabling SSO with no-provisioning device authentication -->
<!-- <loginModule name="MySSO" ssoDeviceLoginModule="WLDeviceNoProvisioningLoginModule">
</loginModule> -->
<!-- For enabling SSO with auto-provisioning device authentication -->
<!-- <loginModule name="MySSO" ssoDeviceLoginModule="WLDeviceAutoProvisioningLoginModule">
</loginModule> -->
Application-descriptor.xml: I kept it the same with no changes than the original, I have changed the BB parameters for testing, each test is done separately, and the app is being deployed on BB10 Device for each change, but didn't work:
<android version="1.0">
<worklightSettings include="true"/>
<encryptWebResources enabled="true"/>
<testWebResourcesChecksum enabled="true" ignoreFileExtensions="png, jpg, jpeg, gif, mp4, mp3"/>
<blackberry10 version="1.0"> </blackberry10>
How can I fix this issue? is there a certification needs to be installed on the WL enterprise server for BB? is there a fix for the realm issue for BB10.?
We have solved the issue by raising a PMR with IBM. They provided us with an update for Eclipse kepler containing the fix for the BB authentication and with 32 extra fixes.