I'm trying to use Worklight Analytics features for App. I have separated servers for analytics and worklight console.
I have tried the configuring of analytics in 3 way:
in worklight.properties:
wl.analytics.logs.forward=true wl.analytics.url=http://[host]:[port]/analytics/data
in initOptions.js:
{ analytics: {enable: true, url: 'http://[host]:[port]/analytics/data'} }
in server's config:
<jndi name="[context]/wl.analytics.url" value="http://[host]:[port]/analytics/data" /> <jndi name="[context]/wl.analytics.logs.forward" value="true" />
Operational Analytics page has not data.
Actually problem is related to queues. If you want to have results right away also consider adding this, as jndi properties in worklight server config (in case of Liberty):