Workarounds to get Google sign-in functioning with Python 2.6 and pyOpenSSL 0.10-2

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I'm trying to get Google sign-in working using their Python API but the server I'm on (4UHosting) has Python 2.6 and pyOpenSSL 0.10-2 (5-years old).

This means that the API's call to OpenSSL.crypto.verify() fails as it doesn't exist in this version.

I can't install these myself, even --self as they require compiler use which I don't have. The admins are reluctant to install any updates that are not vetted. They won't install pyOpenSSL or Python 2.7 locally just for me. I can't find documentation from pyOpenSSL 0.10-2 that would have an equivalent function to verify().

I'm looking for some suggestions as where to head from here.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, Cyrille


There are 1 answers


A few ideas:

  1. You could directly make your API calls to the Google API Endpoints instead of using the Python client library, for example, the token info endpoint can be used to verify tokens
  2. You could do sign-in operations client-side and transfer data to your server once a session is attached
  3. You could use another language (e.g. Ruby) for the sign-in operations