I'm completely new to the WordPress API and I've been following the handbook here. I want to access a post by ID using the API the console log its title and content. I can see the fields when I log the entire object but whenever I try to access the attributes I get "undefined".
My script is rather simple, I've passed the API as a dependancy
wp_enqueue_script('custom', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/script.js', array('wp-api'));
wp.api.loadPromise.done( function() {
var post = new wp.api.models.Post( { id: 1 } );
} )
All of my console logs return undefined. Just looking to be pointed in the right direction. Thanks :)
After a bit of researching I realised even though I could see the keys in the console.log this wasn't the state of the object when I was looking for the title. To resolve this I added .done function to the fetch statement