WordNet(JWI MIT) : Antonyms of a word?

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I am using www.wordnet.princeton.edu open source dictionary with www.projects.csail.mit.edu/jwi/api/edu/mit/jwi library?

I am unable to find out antonyms of a word. People claim that this is a very good dictionary but I could not find my words in it. I need Antonyms and other related words. Good descriptions and other vocabulary info but I am unable to find what I need.

Here is my code:

List<IWordID> wordIDList = indexWordList.get(0).getWordIDs();
        for(int idIndex = 0; idIndex < wordIDList.size(); idIndex++)
            IWordID wordID = wordIDList.get(idIndex);
            IWord word = m_Dict.getWord(wordID);
            System.out.println("Id = " + wordID);

            System.out.println(" Lemma = " + word.getLemma());
            System.out.println(" Gloss = " + word.getSynset().getGloss());

            ISynset synset = word.getSynset();
            String LexFileName = synset.getLexicalFile().getName();
            System.out.println("Lexical Name : " + LexFileName);

            /** Finding stem for the word. */
            WordnetStemmer stem = new WordnetStemmer(m_Dict);
            //System.out.println("test" + stem.findStems(key, POS.NOUN));

            ArrayList<String> antonymsList = new ArrayList<String>();

            List<IWordID> relatedWords = word.getRelatedWords();
            Map<IPointer, List<IWordID>> map = word.getRelatedMap();
            AdjMarker marker = word.getAdjectiveMarker();

            for (IWordID antonym : word.getRelatedWords()) {
                String meaning = m_Dict.getWord(antonym).getLemma();
                System.out.println("Antonym: " + meaning);
                System.out.println("Antonym POS: " + m_Dict.getWord(antonym).getPOS());


What I actually need? :::

I need suggestions on how can I get that relevant information from WordNet. Also, **I am open to accept any other API or library that will provide me the latest version of Dictionary, antonyms, Synonyms and well written description.** Every suggestion is appreciated.


There are 1 answers

Amit G On

Use IWord#getRelatedMap to get map java.util.Map<IPointer,java.util.List<IWordID>>. This map contain map of relations of current Lemma(word) with other words.

Check presence of Pointer#Antonym in this map.

Take a look at wordnet interface Artha to compare correctness of your dictionary lookup result.

There is not direct way of having list of all words. Have used a hack:

sed 's/^\ *//' index.adj | cut -f1 -d\ 

Dot this for all index files: index.adj, index.adv, index.noun, index.sense, index.verb