I'm having issues with wkhtmltopdf. Images are not showing and also javascript charts (google charts/highcharts) arent displaying on my PDF. Using laravel 8, windows 10, XAMPP, Apache
*I tried the wrapper of mikehaertl -> plain html is displayed on PDF, but only without charts and images Direct outside pages are displayed with images (like http://www.google.com), but not with charts.
*snappy barryvdh -> only working when I use below binary in config/snappy.php. 'binary' => base_path('vendor/wemersonjanuario/wkhtmltopdf-windows/bin/32bit/wkhtmltopdf'), But also no charts and images displaying. Direct outside pages gives error HOSTNOTFOUNDERROR
*I tried several tutorials. Tried url/base_path/asset to show the images. Wkhtmltopdf is working properly when used on the command line. Tried different javascript-delay's, no-stop-slow-scripts
What else is there to try? Thanks in advance!