Wireshark / Fiddler not displaying traffic through C# Webclient when using proxy

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I'm currently building an application that extends a company-wide internal website. The application makes the same calls as the Browser would do when surfing on that website - it just submits some forms using HTTP-POST.

I need to use our company proxy IP in order to get an authorized request up and running through my application.

_webclient = new WebClient();
_webclient.Proxy = new WebProxy("A.B.C.D:8080", false, new string[0], CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials);
_webclient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

(Note: The IP is not a local proxy, so therefore Wireshark / Fiddler should be able to capture it).

When running my application, i get the correct response from the server, but i'm not able to see any traffic through wireshark / fiddler.

var response = _webclient.UploadString("http://myFancyurl/foo.php", "POST", "some=data&sendTo=theServer");
// response is now "<html>......"

Any ideas what i did wrong either using the proxy or regarding wireshark / Fiddler?


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