WinMerge configuration when called from TortoiseHG/Mercurial

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When TortoiseHG/Mercurial calls WinMerge, it appears to pass as standard the /e command line parameter. How do I configure it so that command line parameter is not passed?


I'm using TortoiseHG(2.10.1) and WinMerge (2.14.0) on Windows 7. The mercurial global settings are configured to use WinMerge for both vdiff and merging.

When WinMerge is called, the /e command line parameter means that the Esc key closes WinMerge on the first press.

My problem is that when I double click on a file in the list of changes files in WinMerge, it opens a new tab, and clicking Esc closes WinMerge, not just the individual file comparison tab. I want to be able to press Esc key to close just the individual file comparison tab... and from what I can tell, removing the /e will do that.

Unfortunately I can't work out how to get the configuration file to do that.

Here is my configuration file as I currently have it...

username = {removed for StackOverflow}
merge = winmergeu

vdiff = winmergeu
initialrevision = workingdir

cmd.winmerge= C:\Program Files\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe
opts.winmerge= /x /ub /wl

rebase = 


I have also tried changing the cmd.winmerge and opts.winmerge to use winmergeu


I have also just tried adding hgext.extdiff= to the [extensions] section, as well as the following... but still no luck.

winmerge.args=/x /wl /ub /dl other /dr local $other $local $output
winmerge.diffargs=/r /x /ub /wl /dl '$plabel1' /dr '$clabel' $parent $child

(This information came from this blog)


There are 1 answers

StayOnTarget On

Edit the file C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\defaultrc\MergeTools.rc.

It has a WinMerge section which looks like this:

winmergeu.args=/e /x /u /wl /wr /dl local /dr other $local $output $other
winmergeu.diff3args=/r /e /x /u /wl /wr /dl '$plabel1' /dm '$clabel' /dr '$plabel2' $parent1 $child $parent2
winmergeu.diffargs=/r /e /x /u /wl /dl '$plabel1' /dr '$clabel' $parent $child

Indeed the /e option is present on lines 1, 3, 4 which seem to be the options used for 3-way merge, 3-way diff, and 2-way diff, respectively.

After editing (as admin) to remove the /e option, restart THG Workbench.

If you have trouble debugging what is going on you can use a tool like Process Explorer to inspect the actual command line passed to a running WinMerge process. (Find winmerge.exe in the process list and view its properties).

I must say that I don't really like editing files under Program Files, but I have not found another way to do this.

I've tried this with THG 6.3.2.