I migrated a script from windows to rhel 8 and I have the following code in my php script:
$Data = file_get_contents('https://example.com/api/data');
$Array = json_decode($Data, true);
$Output = '';
foreach ($Array as $key => $value) {
if ($Output != ''){$Output .= PHP_EOL;}
$Output .= $value["id"] . ":" . $value["status"];
In windows, it puts a nice new line in the data. In hrel it is not.
I did a simple test:
$Output = '1';
$Output .= PHP_EOL;
$Output .= '2';
$Output .= PHP_EOL;
$Output .= '3';
If I do a hexdump I get the following:
sh-4.4$ hexdump -c active.resp
0000000 1 \n 2 \n 3
sh-4.4$ hexdump active.resp
0000000 0a31 0a32 0033
The hexdump with the -c looks correct.
If I create the same file with vi, the hexdump shows an additional \n and in hex, 0a31 0a32 0a33
I added an extra PHP_EOL at the end of the $output and it worked and the hexdump shows exactly the same as the hexdump on the vi created file.
I am at a loss. Do I need to add a newline before doing file_put_contents on linux?
Can someone please explain this and the hexdump without the last php_eol?
I got to the bottom of this. Here is what I am pretty sure happened. In linux, lines end with a new line. I built this data by concatenation without a newline (or more accurately an EOL) at the end. This must not be an issue with windows. I added a newline at the end and it now handles it fine. When jbase reads a file like this, it reads it as raw data I think, right or wrong.