I'm attempting to send a scsi ReadCapacity16 (0x9E) to a volume on Windows using D. The CDBs are to spec and my ReadCapacity16 works on Linux and scsi Inquiries work on Windows. Only the not-inquiry calls on Windows fail to work with an "incorrect function" from the windows kernel.
Since only inquiries work, is there a trick to sending not-inquiries through the Windows kernel? Any tips on getting this to work? I've researched a couple weeks and haven't solved this.
This is an example of the CDB:
\\.\physicaldrive0 CDB buffer contents: 9e 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 sgio.exceptions.IoctlFailException@sgio\exceptions.d(13): ioctl error code is 1. Incorrect function.
Here is where the CDB is copied to a buffer for the DeviceIoControl call, and this is the same code path which successfully sends the Inquiry commands (but fails for readcap). Code in github pasted below:
void sgio_execute(ubyte[] cdb_buf, ubyte[] dataout_buf, ubyte[] datain_buf, ubyte[] sense_buf)
version (Windows)
const uint SENSE_LENGTH = 196;
ubyte[512] iobuffer = 0;
DWORD amountTransferred = -1;
SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT scsiPassThrough = {0};
scsiPassThrough.Cdb[] = 0;
uint size = cast(uint)((cdb_buf.length <= scsiPassThrough.Cdb.length ?
cdb_buf.length : scsiPassThrough.Cdb.length));
scsiPassThrough.Cdb[0..size] = cdb_buf[0..size];
scsiPassThrough.Length = SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT.sizeof;
scsiPassThrough.ScsiStatus = 0x00;
scsiPassThrough.TimeOutValue = 0x40;
scsiPassThrough.CdbLength = cast(ubyte)(size);
scsiPassThrough.SenseInfoOffset = SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT.sizeof;
scsiPassThrough.SenseInfoLength = SENSE_LENGTH;
scsiPassThrough.DataIn = SCSI_IOCTL_DATA_IN;
scsiPassThrough.DataBuffer = datain_buf.ptr;
scsiPassThrough.DataTransferLength = bigEndianToNative!ushort(cast(ubyte[2]) cdb_buf[3..5]);
int status = DeviceIoControl( m_device,
iobuffer.length, //scsiPassThrough.sizeof,
if (status == 0)
int errorCode = GetLastError();
// build error message ...
throw new IoctlFailException(exceptionMessage);
Reading the Windows SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT structure documentation very closely I noticed this:
I changed the code to use 512 bytes for DataTransferLength, by increasing the size of datain_buffer, and the code now works just fine.