Windows phone 8.1 app crashing while using libphonenumber-csharp

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I am trying to use libphonenumber-csharp library for my windows phone project for validating international phone numbers. I have installed the library using the following command on nuget package manager console:

Install-Package libphonenumber-csharp 

I am using the following click event handler to test the functionality of the library:

private void buttonCall_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    String bdNumberStr = "0123456789";
    PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
        PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber numberProto = phoneUtil.Parse(bdNumberStr, "BD");
    catch (PhoneNumbers.NumberParseException exc)
        Debug.WriteLine("NumberParseException was thrown: " + exc.Message);

The program is crashing after clicking the button. The event handler function is not getting hit and an exception is thrown. In output window it says something like the following:-

Loaded 'C:\Data\Programs{60688B3F-2E3D-46EE-B0DE-C1F3E22F0912}\Install\PhoneNumbers.DLL'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.

Does anyone have an idea whats going wrong here?


There are 1 answers


You can't use this package, this library built for desktops, not for Windows Phone or Store apps. You need to port it by yourself or find another solution.