Windows.alert() preventing access/data entry into text input field in electron-react app. What is the best way to handle windows.alert?

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I have a text input field in an electron-react app. The windows.alert() was being used to through an alert on altering a state given a certain condition. But after throwing the alert, an input text field in a completely separate form would not allow the user to enter data without clicking out of the application and then back in.

I do currently have a work around, which was throwing the alert using electron's ipcRenderer and ipcMain, but the style does not match well with the rest of the application. Is there a way to handle windows.alert() that does not block data entry into text input fields? What causes windows.alert() to block entering data into text input?

Code Example Before:

function doSomething(value) {
    let array = otherArray;
    if (array.length == 0) {
        //The below was blocking typing into <input> in a completely separate form.
        window.alert("Please add expected value first")

Work around code with ipcRenderer from preload.js and ipcMain:

function doSomething(value) {
    let array = otherArray;
    if (array.length == 0) {
        window.api.send("send-alert", "Please add expected value first")

//in main.js

ipcMain.on("send-alert", (event, incomingMessage)=> {
    let options = {
         message: incomingMessage
    dialog.showMessageBox(mainBrowserWindow, options)

There are 2 answers

Leon Peter On

Use toastr to walk around this.

Read this:

Trigger an error or warning message in place of the window.alert() method. Ie: toastr.warning() or toastr.error()

Usman Chaudhary On

Yes Same Issue exist with me, but window.alert() works within linux application and not in windows OS, you can go for any other react library like sweetalert2, react . Now Rebuild Your React and Electron App and you will see, your app is properly working...a