I try to establish communication from PayPal Ipn.php script (when "Completed" message is received - that part is tested and works well), and the original page of Form that contains a submit button. The idea is to have the submit button clicked.
The 2 pages are on same domain using the same protocol.
Here is my script on Ipn.php script:
$click = "<script>
window.postMessage('Completed', 'http://www.example.com');
echo $click;
echo "test"; // I receive it.
After further testing the Receive part works, but the send part (above) does not.
Here is my script on original form that contains the Submit button:
$(window).load(function() {
window.addEventListener('message', receiver, false);
function receiver(e){
if (e.origin == 'http://www.example.com'){
if (e.data == 'Completed') {
e.source.postMessage('OK', e.origin);
} else {
e.source.postMessage('FAIL', e.origin);
Results so far: Does not work, the send part does not work (after testing the receiving part).
Thanks in advance for your help.