Trying to mimic (automate) email sending through outlook using WinAppDriver, the "New E-mail" element is recognized and new window opens but on the new Window the "To","CC" etc controls are not recognized.
I suspect the new windows session is not available for the driver.
try {
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
//capabilities.setCapability("appTopLevelWindow", "0xBB880A");
capabilities.setCapability("app", "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office14\\OUTLOOK.exe");
outlookSession = new WindowsDriver(new URL(""), capabilities);
outlookSession.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
newEmail = outlookSession.findElementByName("New E-mail");
System.out.println("newEmail:::::: " + newEmail);;
outlookSession.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
outlookSession.findElementByName("To").sendKeys("<email>"); (the 'To' element is not recognized.
I think that the problem you are facing is cause by the fact that Outlook will create a new Windows for your new email. That will result in the window not being part of your current session. The best way to address this, is probably creating a desktop session, finding your new window and then attaching a new session and then controlling your new window from there.
Hope this helps.