Will DynamoDB get Materialized Views?

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I am considering choosing between DynamoDB and AWS Keyspaces.

My main issue is still with many-to-many relationship in Dynamo. You don't really have too nice options. Either you do adjecency list for immutable data...but in most scenarios data is gonna change. Other way is making 2 db calls which is really not that great. Third option would be to update data all the time which seems also like a big pain in the a**. Also for batch writes it's up to 25 rows I think.

However Cassandra provides materialized views where at least I don't have to manage replication on my own. Also I can do 1 DB call to get all I need.

I am still relatively new to NoSQL databases so I might be missing a lot of stuff.

Are there plans for Dynamo to add Materialized Views or is there better way to do it?

In my eyes it seems like a really good feature. It doesn't even have to create new tables, rather references between columns of items to make it autoupdate.


There are 1 answers


DynamoDB has a feature called Global Secondary Index which is very close to the materialized view feature of Cassandra. Despite its confusing name, DynamoDB's GSI is not just an index like what Cassandra calls a "secondary index"! It doesn't just like the keys matching a particular column value: Beyond the keys it can also keep any other items attributes which you choose to project. Exactly like a materialized view.

DynamoDB also has a more efficient Local Secondary Index which you can consider if the view's partition key is the same as the base table's - and you just want to sort items differently or project only part of the attributes.