I'm wondering about this question. Should I cover a possible exception or the language returns 0 in these cases?
In this snippet I'm calculating values for a matrix from a vector stored in memory. My next step is calculating the determinant. If I 'cover the exception' I'm avoiding the calculus of some matrix with 0 on its diagonal which is mathematically valid so I don't know what I should do.
I know this kind of operation is valid in so many languages but I don't know so much about this one and I don't find information at all.
I should say also this is DeLuXe Instruction Set based on MIPS if it helps.
Thanks in advance.
lf f14,cuatro ; cuatro=4.0 para poder operar, dimension de la matriz
lf f6,vector+20 ; cargamos de memoria vector[6]
sf m,f6 ; lo almacenamos en f6
lf f7,vector+24 ; cargamos de memoria vector[7]
sf m+4,f7 ; lo almacenamos en f7
lf f8,vector+28 ; cargamos de memoria vector[8]
sf m+8,f8 ; lo almacenamos en f8
lf f9,vector+32 ; cargamos de memoria vector[9]
sf m+12,f9 ; lo almacenamos en f9
addf f12,f6,f7 ;añadimos los dos primeros valores porque al estar vacio podemos aprovechar los operandos
addf f12,f12,f9 ;añadimos el tercer miembro
addf f12,f12,f8 ; añadimos el cuarto miembro
divf f13,f12,f14 ; dividir por cuatro
;beqz f12,finish ; capturar excepcion diagonal 0??;
;beqz f12,finish ; capturar excepcion diagonal 0??;
sf mediam,f13 ; lo almacenamos en media
In my opinion I only have to avoid divisions BY zero not by zero on numerator but I'm here expecting for some information about assembler.