Wildfly 16 in cluster sudden restarts printing stopped driver service name
WFLYJCA0019: Stopped Driver service with driver-name = selskapsdata-1.5-SNAPSHOT.war_oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver_19_3
MODCLUSTER000021: All pending requests drained from default-host:/wildfly-services in 0.0 seconds
WFLYJCA0010: Unbound data source [java:/datasources/eiMastDS]
Stopped Deployment
There is no killing from OOM (No Signal from OS to kill wildfly. There is no out of memory error. Node 1 just restart like this and then node2 and node3 get singleton service message and tries to redeploy.
Hostcontrller mentions
WFLYHC0027: Unregistering server clusternode01
This happen every night at 00:05. I could not see what is actually going on. Can anyone sugggest?
We fixed it by removing Load Metrics.
Some XYZ changed settings to ANY.
So when process or memory extensive application runs; It tried to redeploy it to other nodes.
Then it shows out of memory, classloader exceptions or sudden stop