Is there a way to get Wikidata page information based on the name of the entity for example if I wanted to get page data for Google. I think it has to be done using "entity" with the corresponding entity value however I am not sure of there is any easy way to determine the entity value.
Wikidata entity value from name
11.4k views Asked by Oroku At
There are 3 answers

Maybe you can use sparql, to run a query:
?item rdfs:label "Google"@en
You can use in python using pywikibot:
import pywikibot
from pywikibot import pagegenerators, WikidataBot
sparql = "SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item rdfs:label 'Google'@en }"
entities = pagegenerators.WikidataSPARQLPageGenerator(sparql, site=repo)
entities = list(entities)

If you are familiar with Python you could do it programmatically with the Wikidata api, using Pywikibot The following python script, obtains the wikidata entities. If you want the data objects for each individual wikidata entity, you need to uncomment the last two lines
from import api
import pywikibot
import pprint
def getItems(site, itemtitle):
params = { 'action' :'wbsearchentities' , 'format' : 'json' , 'language' : 'en', 'type' : 'item', 'search': itemtitle}
request = api.Request(site=site,**params)
return request.submit()
def getItem(site, wdItem, token):
request = api.Request(site=site,
return request.submit()
def prettyPrint(variable):
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Login to wikidata
site = pywikibot.Site("wikidata", "wikidata")
repo = site.data_repository()
token = repo.token(pywikibot.Page(repo, 'Main Page'), 'edit')
wikidataEntries = getItems(site, "Google")
# Print the different Wikidata entries to the screen
# Print each wikidata entry as an object
#for wdEntry in wikidataEntries["search"]:
# prettyPrint(getItem(site, wdEntry["id"], token))
which results in
{ u'search': [ { u'aliases': [u'Google Inc.'],
u'description': u'American multinational Internet and technology corporation',
u'id': u'Q95',
u'label': u'Google',
u'url': u'//'},
{ u'aliases': [u'Google Search', u'Google Web Search'],
u'description': u'Internet search engine developed by Google, Inc.',
u'id': u'Q9366',
u'label': u'Google',
u'url': u'//'},
{ u'description': u'Wikipedia disambiguation page',
u'id': u'Q961680',
u'label': u'Google',
u'url': u'//'},
{ u'aliases': [u'Google'],
u'description': u'verb',
u'id': u'Q1156923',
u'label': u'google',
u'url': u'//'},
{ u'id': u'Q10846831',
u'label': u'google',
u'url': u'//'},
{ u'aliases': [u'Google Android'],
u'description': u'operating system for mobile devices created by Google',
u'id': u'Q94',
u'label': u'Android',
u'url': u'//'},
{ u'description': u'web browser developed by Google',
u'id': u'Q777',
u'label': u'Google Chrome',
u'url': u'//'}],
u'searchinfo': { u'search': u'Google'},
u'success': 1}
If you want to do this using the API, you would first use
to find out which entity do you want. For example:
The problem with this is that there are multiple entities called "Google": the company (Google Inc.), the search engine (Google Web Search), the verb (to google) and even a Wikipedia disambiguation page.
After you somehow decide which entity to access, use
to actually get the information you want:
Or, if you can't decide which entity to use, you could get information for all of them at the same time:|Q9366|Q961680|Q1156923&languages=en