Wijmo 5 flex chart doesn't work with knockout foreach binding

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I want dynamically update the values(or add extra legend item) on my chart thus I can't use the 'hardcoded' html markup from the flexchart example page. the problem is that foreach binding inside wjFlexChart block doesn't work at all. here's my code:


<div data-bind="wjFlexChart: { itemsSource: data, bindingX: 'week' }">
      <div data-bind="foreach: $data.legend">
            <div data-bind="wjFlexChartSeries: { name: name, binding: value}"></div>


data = new wijmo.collections.ObservableArray();
weeks = 'wk1,wk2,wk3,wk4,wk5,wk6,wk7,wk8'.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < this.weeks.length; i++) {
     week: this.weeks[i],
     legend: [{
        name: 'name1_'+i, 
        value: Math.random() * 10
        name: 'name2_'+i, 
        value: Math.random() * 10

Any ideas?


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