WIA Leadtools SDK scan two pages but generate 1 images in output folder

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I am using WIA Demo "C:\LEADTOOLS 19\Examples\DotNet\CS\WiaDemo" for scanning multiple documents(put two documents in scanner). When I scanned two documents then it only saves one document in output folder. During scanning it shows(scanning 1 and then scanning document 2 but output will be only 1 document in folder)

Any idea, what am I missing ?

Screenshot of Scanning Process


  • If I scan these two documents with same scanner using its utility instead of Leadtools then it generate two images successfully.
  • Generated image using Leadtools SDK only contain image of 1 document.
  • I am using C#, Visual Studio 2017

There are 1 answers


From the comments, it appears you found the cause of the behavior. Our LEADTOOLS SDK is capable of saving single-page and multi-page files in dozens of different formats. If you want to check whether the saved TIFF file contains multiple pages, you can see its file info using our main demo. To do that, use the File => Open dialog box, click on the image file then click the "info" button at the top right corner of the dialog. This should tell you the file's format and how many pages it has.

enter image description here