Yesterday I had trouble with my app suddenly failing to deploy from NetBeans to GlassFish server. I now know why, and am going to answer this question myself. I just wanted to record this information for the next person that needs it. I hope the etiquette of that is OK?
- NetBeans would apparently build the project, not report any compile
errors, and did show the following line in the output window:
Building war: ...
- but didn't deploy the app and didn't show the subsequent lines:
--- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install ... -SNAPSHOT.war
Installing ... -SNAPSHOT.war
What was the problem?
The problem was caused by a compile error in my code, which didn't show up until I did a complete "Clean and Build" ...and this couldn't be done until I shut-down the GlassFish server. Conclusion: If the problem occurs try shutting down the GlassFish server and doing a complete "Clean and Build".
Note: I actually first discovered the code error by trying to manually deploy the war using the GlassFish server console, so this is another thing to try.