Why webview_flutter not working in case of add to app (iOS)?

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So I am trying to open a simple webview when a button is clicked.

This is the body of my Scaffold widget:

    initialUrl: "https://www.google.com/",
    javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,

The interesting part is when I run this flutter project independently it successfully opens the Webview in the iOS simulator. But when I integrated this flutter module into an existing iOS App it doesn't work (Shows a blank screen). In order to add a flutter module, I have followed this link, the other part of the module works fine.

I have already set this in the info.plist for the flutter module:


I have added the following version in pubspec.yaml file:

webview_flutter: ^0.3.22+1

There are 3 answers

Let's_Create On BEST ANSWER

After a few hours of debugging I found that we need to add this key in the iOS project info.plist file rather than putting it into the info.plist in the iOS folder of the flutter module

johnnydevv On

Ive ran into this issue too when using webview_flutter. Fortunately, the ios setup from flutter_webview_plugin seemed to work. I used this tag in xcode's Info.list:

Hardik Hirpara On

If url you're using has some special character. So,You need to encode the URL like this,

      initialUrl: Uri.encodeFull(yourUrl),