Why my @Aspect is not recognized by my SpringBoot Application?

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I want to test the AOP with spring boot, hence I imported this dependency in my



Then i created two classes, one for configuration and an other responsible for weaving aspect.


public class AspectConfig {


And the other class, which does nothing special except testing if it's working well :


public class ControllerAspect {
    @Pointcut("execution(* com.douineau.aspect.ControllerAspect.testAop(..))")
    public void callingRequest() {
        System.out.println("Pointcut method done");
    public void beforeAdvice( ) {
        System.out.println("Before advice");

    public void testAop() {


When i'm calling the method c.testAop(), it is supposed to enter in the method callingRequest() with the parameterized @Pointcut("execution(* com.douineau.aspect.ControllerAspect.testAop(..))") annotation.

But it don't...

An other thing to really understand, does it would be more pertinent to place the @EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotation directly after the @SpringBootApplication of the main SpringBoot launcher ?

Thank you for your help.



There are 1 answers


From Spring framework reference documentation:

Advising aspects with other aspects? In Spring AOP, aspects themselves cannot be the targets of advice from other aspects. The @Aspect annotation on a class marks it as an aspect and, hence, excludes it from auto-proxying.

Here the pointcut expression is targeting an Aspect , which is not possible in Spring AOP.

For a Spring Boot application , one need not explicitly declare @EnableAspectJAutoProxy. Please read through this question and answer

As long as the recommeded structuring is followed , your aspects should be picked without explicitly specifying a @ComponentScan