I'm trying to redirect to an external website when everything is done, but firefox changes the http word on the url for a weird set of characters. This is my server side code:
public ActionResult Postular(INFO_BASE_POSTULACION_model pInfoPostulacion) {
string rutMD5 = Request["rutMD5"];
int idRegion = Convert.ToInt32(Request["idRegion"]);
int idInstrumento = Convert.ToInt32(Request["idInstrumento"]);
string urlDestino = "";
if (!ModelState.IsValid) {
TempData["ModelState"] = ModelState;
return RedirectToAction("Index", new { data = Utilidades.Base64Encode(rutMD5 + ";" + idRegion + ";" + idInstrumento) });
nuevaInfoBasePostulacion = pInfoPostulacion.modeloToDTO(pInfoPostulacion);
nuevaInfoBasePostulacion.TOKEN = Utilidades.GenerarStringUnico();
nuevaInfoBasePostulacion.INFO_REGISTRO_ELIMINADO = false;
nuevaInfoBasePostulacion.FECHA_CREACION = DateTime.Now;
Boolean todoOK = new InfoBasePostulacionBO().Agregar(nuevaInfoBasePostulacion);
if (!todoOK)
ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Ocurrió un error al intentar guardar la información.");
TempData["ModelState"] = ModelState;
return RedirectToAction("Index", new { data = Utilidades.Base64Encode(rutMD5 + ";" + idRegion + ";" + idInstrumento) });
string token = nuevaInfoBasePostulacion.TOKEN;
string idFormulario = Convert.ToString(nuevaInfoBasePostulacion.ID_FORMULARIO_POSTULACION);
string nombreParamToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProActiveOffice-paramNombre-Token"];
string nombreParamIdFormulario = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProActiveOffice-paramNombre-IdFormulario"];
urlDestino = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProActiveOffice-URL"] + "?" + nombreParamToken + "=" + token + "&" + nombreParamIdFormulario + "=" + idFormulario;
//Here i had yo use the uriBuilder because i couldn't make it work on any other way.
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder(urlDestino.Trim());
//Here i redirect to an external website.
return Redirect(uri.Uri.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("Error al intentar guardar info base de postulación", ex);
ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Ocurrió un error al intentar guardar la información.");
TempData["ModelState"] = ModelState;
return RedirectToAction("Index", new { data = Utilidades.Base64Encode(rutMD5 + ";" + idRegion + ";" + idInstrumento) });
Here you can see the debug:
1-Here you can see the url string that i have (i had to remove the "http://" because it wasn't working correctly with the uri builder):
2-Here you see the value of the uri builder with the string url in it:
3-Here you see the toString() method apply to the uri (I have already use the absolute uri property):
4-And now finally the error. The http word has been change for a set of characters:
I have had lots of problems with the redirection. These code is currently working on Chrome, but on firefox gives me these error.
What could it be ?
By the way i am using visual studio 2013 + .NET Framerowk 4.5 + MVC4
is a URL-encoded, UTF-8 encoded ZERO-WIDTH SPACE character. You likely have one hiding in your application setting file for theProActiveOffice-URL
value. It was maybe pasted in that way, if you copied the URL from somewhere.