why large messages produced and published to rabbitmq by bunny in ruby are encoded into base64

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I'm using bunny gem to publish messages, which are json string, to the rabbitmq server. The code are as followed:

def send_rabbitmq value
    conn = Bunny.new(:host => "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", :vhost => "/", :user => "abc", :password =>"123")

    ch = conn.create_channel
    ch.basic_publish( value ,"exchange.x", "routing.key", :payload_encoding => "string")
    sleep 1.0

However, what I get from the rabbitmq server are just messy string which are encoded by base64. The message (value in the code) I publish is bigger than 90000 size. I figure it out by copying all the string into a encoding tool and decode the messy string by base64, which are just the data I sent, but only a part of them. It looks like the data published is truncated, with the absence of bracket, comma or some key/values.

So, here is my question, I know it's not suggested to publish huge message to rabbitmq, but how come the data is encoded into base64 and why they are truncated.

Any ideas? Thx.


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