Why isn't my method being called after .trigger('click') using vue 3 composition api, vue test utils and vitest

188 views Asked by At

I have a test which is checking to see if a function was called on click

describe("Dropdown Component", () => {
  let wrapper;
  let selectedMeter = ref({});
  let store
  let isBouncing = ref(false);
  afterEach(() => {

  beforeEach(async () => {
    selectedMeter = ref({ meterId: "212312333", zeusId: 1 });
    isBouncing = ref(false);
    wrapper = mount(meterSelectVue, {
      global: {
        plugins: [
            initialState: {
              audit: {
                meterList: [
                  { meterId: "123", zeusId: 1 },
                  { meterId: "122345", zeusId: 2 },
                selectedMeter: { meterId: "212312333", zeusId: 1 },
                isMeterDataLoading: false,
            stubActions: false,
            createSpy: vi.fn,
    await router.isReady();
    store = useAuditStore();
  it('calls selectMeter with correct meter when clicked', async () => {
    store = useAuditStore();

    selectedMeter = ref({ meterId: "9090909090", zeusId: 9090 });
    const spy = vi.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'selectMeter');
    await flushPromises();
    await wrapper.vm.$forceUpdate();
    await wrapper.find("button").trigger("click");
    await wrapper.findAll("li").at(0).trigger("click");
    console.log(`here ${wrapper.findAll("li").at(0).text()}`)

my component code -

        style="cursor: pointer"
        class="text-dbs-faded-grey mt-1 font-Poppins rounded bg-white absolute z-20 shadow-2xl w-[300px] sm:w-[350px]"
        <!-- List of meters -->
          class="list-none overflow-y-auto rounded max-h-96"
          <!-- Loop through each meter in 'meters' array -->
            v-for="(meter, index) in meters"
            :class="{ 'text-dbs-green2': meter === selectedMeter }"
            <!-- Clickable link for each meter -->
              @click="selectMeter(meter), newMeter()"
              class="flex py-2 px-4 transition duration-300"
              <!-- Static electricity bolt icon followed by meter ID -->
              <span class="mr-2">⚡</span> {{ meter.meterId }}

the meters are rendered correctly confirmed with console logs but the functions are not called and my store isn't manipulated. I can call await wrapper.vm.selectMeter(selectedMeter.value) and get the desired result, but that defeats the purpose of the test


There are 1 answers

LyuMir On

if you want to run some method after the component has been mounted, consider using onMounted function.
