I'm working with ibm's blockchain service, and what I don't quite understand is that sometimes my invoke or query doesn't result in a transaction payload being added?
Say I have a block height of 30. I now make the following call to a smart contract:
"args":[ "someArgsHere"
The block height gets incremented to 31 and my auditor role wants to examine this new block...
With the API endpoint I call get /chain/blocks/30 (since size()-1 for new block). I thought this would result in a transaction payload? But sometimes I just receive the following
Sometimes invoke/query is not stored in a payload?
{ "stateHash":"FmmIccWFaevjks2l9OagabDookEuaw3c3FKLGBVz2vZhDLetSR+B9ufK2/EAAQXWu8nj1RFIuSzcA+P+HxUM8w==",
Can someone clearify this for me? Are there special circumstances where I cannot expect a new payload being added? Besides the genesis block (or other deploys)?
A query doesn't result in a new block getting created. Only invoke & deploy add blocks to the network