I am using Bukkit API 1.8 with Java 7.
I have a repeating task that loops through all the players on the server and sets their armor randomly to either leather, chainmail, etc...
When I use the method setHelmet
, etc... I update their inventory like usual, but since this task is running every 6 ticks, it runs fast. Therefore, when a player tries to fire a bow, the bow resets its power every time this task runs.
Since I knew it was a problem with updating the inventory, I tried removing the updateInventory
After doing this the armor still got put on and changed, but the bow was still being reset every time the task was ran.
How would I keep the bow from resetting while still keeping the task running?
My code:
public static void repeatEffect()
main.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleAsyncRepeatingTask(main, new Runnable()
public void run()
for(Player o : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers())
Material M1 = Material.WOOL;
int num = rainbow.get(o.getName());
else if(num==2)
else if(num==3)
M1 = Material.GOLD_HELMET;
else if(num==4)
M1 = Material.IRON_HELMET;
else if(num==5)
rainbow.put(o.getName(), num+1);
rainbow.put(o.getName(), 1);
ItemStack rrhelm = createItemStack(M1, 1, "§a§lR§b§la§c§li§d§ln§e§lb§f§lo§a§lw §c§lH§d§le§e§ll§f§lm§a§le§b§lt", "§7Very special piece of armor");
, 6, 6);
If changing armour resets the players bow, you could work around it by only changing the armour of players who are joining, not wielding a bow or just after an
.To see if the player is wielding a bow, use: