Why is not all ram memory available in Python?

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First of all, I am sorry that I am not familiar with English so I use a translator to post questions.

I am making an Object Detection program using Python Tensor-flow. Then one day, suddenly, the Python program started to slow down. (I didn't touch anything, but when I came the next day and tried it, it was slow. It seems that the previous day only Windows update was in progress.)

So I was looking around and found that when the program worked, it was fetching the total memory from the Mat-plot-lib environment incorrectly.

Here is the log...

[enter image description here][1]


When I ran it on a PC with another 16 G Byte of RAM, it came out like this.


total_Memory: 11_._00_G_i_B free_Memory: 9.99_G_i_B Created TensorFlow device (/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 9647 MB memory)

I don't know if this is the answer because my program is slowing down.

Shouldn't python get the entire Ram memory? Also, how do I get them to be imported?

Please help me. Thank you.


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