I'm trying to deploy a MobileFirst server to a local Liberty server configured with an LDAP server.
When I try and deploy my server configuration the admin task fails due to lack of attributes for connecting to Liberty.
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\IBM MobileFirst Platform Server Data\Server Configuration Tool\Configuration_Hello MobileFirst Server\Hello MobileFirst Server.xml:88: The element <installWorklightAdmin>, <jmx libertyAdminUser=".." libertyAdminPassword="..."/> is missing. A default user cannot be created for this server.
I have tried updating the server configuration file manually before deploying, but the server configuration tool is just saving over the changes.
How can I resolve this problem from within the Server Configuration Tool?
The Server Configuration Tool in MFP 7.0 can't be used to make an install on a Liberty server that is configured with LDAP.
In the simplified install process of the Server Configuration Tool, it automatically creates a Liberty Administrator in a basic registry and this is not possible if Liberty is configured with LDAP.
If you don't want to create ant files manually, you can:
Edit them so that they have the right attributes in the jmx element (you need to provide the login of password of a user that will be used as Liberty Administrator and that the apps will use to perform JMX calls)
Run the ant files as described here For the admin: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_7.0.0/com.ibm.worklight.installconfig.doc/install_config/r_wlconsole_ant_tasks.html
For the runtime: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_7.0.0/com.ibm.worklight.deploy.doc/devref/c_project_war_file_ant_tasks.html
You may encrypt the password of the JMX user with the Liberty securityUtility program (in LibertyInstallDir/bin)