I've been studying hashing in C/C++ and tried to replicate the md5sum command in Linux. After analysing the source code, it seems that md5sum relies on the md5 library's md5_stream. I've approximated the md5_stream function from the md5.h library into the code below, and it runs in ~13-14 seconds. I've tried to call the md5_stream function directly and got ~13-14 seconds. The md5sum runs in 4 seconds. What have the GNU people done to get the speed out of the code?
The md5.h/md5.c code is available in the CoreUtils source code.
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include "md5.h"
#define BLOCKSIZE 32784
int main()
FILE *fpinput, *fpoutput;
if ((fpinput = fopen("/dev/sdb", "rb")) == 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("input file doesn't exist");
struct md5_ctx ctx;
size_t sum;
char *buffer = (char*)malloc (BLOCKSIZE + 72);
unsigned char *resblock = (unsigned char*)malloc (16);
if (!buffer)
return 1;
md5_init_ctx (&ctx);
size_t n;
sum = 0;
while (!ferror(fpinput) && !feof(fpinput)) {
n = fread (buffer + sum, 1, BLOCKSIZE - sum, fpinput);
if (n == 0){
sum += n;
if (sum == BLOCKSIZE) {
md5_process_block (buffer, BLOCKSIZE, &ctx);
sum = 0;
if (n == 0 && ferror (fpinput)) {
free (buffer);
return 1;
/* Process any remaining bytes. */
if (sum > 0){
md5_process_bytes (buffer, sum, &ctx);
/* Construct result in desired memory. */
md5_finish_ctx (&ctx, resblock);
free (buffer);
for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x){
std::cout << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << static_cast<uint16_t>(resblock[x]);
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
EDIT: Was a default mkspec problem in Fedora 19 64-bit.
It turned out to be an error in the Qt mkspecs regarding an optimization flag not being set properly.