I have a left aside menu with submenus in laravel 5.7 / blade/ Bootstrap 4.1 app and if some element of submenu is opened I want to keep open parent menu item. I tried to keep it ny current control name as :
<?php $manage_storage= ($current_controller_name == 'ClientsController'); ?>
<div class="sidebar-header">
@if(isset($app_name))<h3>{{ $app_name }}</h3>@endif
<ul class="list-unstyled components">
<a href="#users_submenu" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="dropdown-toggle">Manage Users</a>
<ul class="collapse list-unstyled" id="users_submenu">
<a href="#">Manage Departments</a>
<a href="#">Manage Users</a>
<a href="#manage_storage_submenu" data-toggle="@if($manage_storage) dropdown @else collapse @endif" aria-expanded="@if($manage_storage) true @else false @endif" class="@if($manage_storage) @else dropdown-toggle @endif">Manage Storage</a>
<ul class="collapse list-unstyled @if($manage_storage) show @endif" id="manage_storage_submenu">
<li class=" @if($current_controller_name == 'ClientsController') active @endif ">
<a href="{{ url('admin/clients') }}">Manage Clients</a>
<a href="#">Manage Locations</a>
<li class=" @if($current_controller_name == 'WarehousesController') active @endif ">
<a href="{{ url('admin/warehouses') }}" >Manage Warehouses</a>
So if clients page is opened, then Manage Storage menu must be opened.
But it does not work as I expected: Please, open : http://demo2.nilov-sergey-demo-apps.tk/admin/warehouses/2/edit It is under credentials [email protected] 111111
look at http://demo2.nilov-sergey-demo-apps.tk/admin/dashboard and http://demo2.nilov-sergey-demo-apps.tk/admin/clients pages for the first page (when Manage Storage is not opened) icon to dropdown submenu items is in other place of the page: on the second page( when Manage Storage is opened ) I do not see the icon to dropdown submenu items.
How to fix it ?
<li style="position: relative;">
Icon is on its proper place, but “Manage Storage” is not clickable. I tried and did not find any difference with “Manage Users” menu item, which has no php code in itself and works ok. What is wrong?
UPDATED BLOCK # 2: I checked my html generated code under https://validator.w3.org and got error :
Error: Bad value false for attribute aria-expanded on element a.
From line 96, column 4; to line 96, column 112
ive;">↩ <a href="#manage_storage_submenu" data-toggle=" collapse " aria-expanded=" false " class=" dropdown-toggle "><span
I think that the error is called by space in aria-expanded= definition, as I had blade source :
<a href="#manage_storage_submenu" data-toggle="@if($manage_storage) dropdown @else collapse @endif" aria-expanded="@if($manage_storage) true @else false @endif" class="@if(!$manage_storage) dropdown-toggle @endif"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Manage Storage</span></a>
But if I remove space in aria-expanded= definition I got blade syntax error. Could it raise my problems? Which is the valid way here?