Why I'm getting empty actual array from blocTest function?

227 views Asked by At

So I'm implementing blocTesting for my project and I'm getting an empty actual array from a specific feature.

share_bloc_test.dart Below is the code for the blocFunction that is returning the empty actual array.

    group('ShareDisconnectGrantor', () {
      blocTest<ShareBloc, ShareState>(
        'emits [ShareLoadSuccess] '
        'state when successfully disconnected grantor',
        seed: () => ShareLoadSuccess(ConnectedUsersModel(List<ConnectedUserModel>.filled(1, ConnectedUserModel(1234, '1234', '1234')), List<ConnectedUserModel>.filled(1, ConnectedUserModel(1234, '1234', '1234'))), connectModel: ConnectModel('1234', dateTime, dateTime, dateTime, '1234', '1234')),
        setUp: () {
            shareRepositoryMock.disconnectFromGrantor(1234, 1234),
            (_) => Future<ConnectedUsersModel>.value(ConnectedUsersModel(List<ConnectedUserModel>.filled(1, ConnectedUserModel(1234, '1234', '1234')), List<ConnectedUserModel>.filled(1, ConnectedUserModel(1234, '1234', '1234')))),
        build: () => ShareBloc(
            authenticationBloc: AuthenticationBloc(
                authenticationRepository: authenticationRepositoryMock),
            shareRepository: shareRepositoryMock),
        act: (ShareBloc bloc) => bloc.add(
          const ShareDisconnectGrantor(1234, 1234),
        expect: () => [
          ShareLoadSuccess(ConnectedUsersModel(List<ConnectedUserModel>.filled(1, ConnectedUserModel(1234, '1234', '1234')), List<ConnectedUserModel>.filled(1, ConnectedUserModel(1234, '1234', '1234'))), connectModel: ConnectModel('1234', dateTime, dateTime, dateTime, '1234', '1234')),

share_bloc.dart Below is the code for the function corresponding to the event the above code is associated with

  Future<void> _onDisconnectGrantor(
      ShareDisconnectGrantor event, Emitter<ShareState> emit) async {
    if (state is ShareLoadSuccess) {
      final ShareLoadSuccess _currentState = state as ShareLoadSuccess;
      final ConnectedUsersModel _shareUsers = await shareRepository
          .disconnectFromGrantor(event.userId, event.grantorId);

      return emit(_currentState.copyWith(shareUsers: _shareUsers));

share_state.dart Below is the code for state for the above bloctest function

part of 'share_bloc.dart';

abstract class ShareState extends Equatable {
  const ShareState();

  List<Object?> get props => <Object?>[];

class ShareInitial extends ShareState {}

class ShareGranteeSuccess extends ShareState {}

class ShareGranteeFailure extends ShareState {
  final KBMException exception;
  const ShareGranteeFailure({required this.exception});
  List<Object?> get props => <Object?>[exception];

class ShareGrantorSuccess extends ShareState {}

class ShareGrantorFailure extends ShareState {
  final KBMException exception;
  const ShareGrantorFailure({required this.exception});
  List<Object?> get props => <Object?>[exception];

class ShareConnectSuccess extends ShareState {}

class ShareConnectFailure extends ShareState {
  final KBMException exception;
  const ShareConnectFailure({required this.exception});
  List<Object?> get props => <Object?>[exception];

class ShareLoadSuccess extends ShareState {
  final ConnectedUsersModel shareUsers;
  final ConnectModel? connectModel;
  final bool isGrantor;

  const ShareLoadSuccess(this.shareUsers, {this.connectModel, this.isGrantor = false});

  List<Object?> get props => <Object?>[shareUsers, connectModel, isGrantor];

  ShareLoadSuccess copyWith({
    ConnectedUsersModel? shareUsers,
    ConnectModel? connectModel,
    bool? isGrantor,
  }) {
    return ShareLoadSuccess(
      shareUsers ?? this.shareUsers,
      connectModel: connectModel ?? this.connectModel,
      isGrantor: isGrantor ?? this.isGrantor,

class ShareGrantorAborted extends ShareState {}

class ShareSyncInProgress extends ShareState {
  final ConnectModel? connectModel;

  const ShareSyncInProgress({this.connectModel});

  List<Object?> get props => <Object?>[connectModel];

I kinda have no ideas what might be the issue here. If anyone knows what might be happening please help...


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