I have created 2 NodeJs environments. It works fine.
Later created a new environment and eb deploy env_name
give me the following error:
Creating application version archive "app-ceb7-200713_223016".
Uploading appname/app-ceb7-xxxxx.zip to S3. This may take a while.
Upload Complete.
2020-07-13 17:00:23 INFO Environment update is starting.
2020-07-13 17:00:44 INFO Deploying new version to instance(s).
2020-07-13 17:00:50 ERROR [Instance: i-066f599db7ee34] Command failed on instance.
An unexpected error has occurred [ErrorCode: 0000000001].
2020-07-13 17:00:50 INFO Command execution completed on all instances. Summary:
[Successful: 0, Failed: 1].
2020-07-13 17:00:50 ERROR Unsuccessful command execution on instance id(s) 'i-
06682f599db76ee34'. Aborting the operation.
2020-07-13 17:00:50 ERROR Failed to deploy application.
ERROR: ServiceError - Failed to deploy application.
Why this happen? Thanks in advance
Based on the comments.
To solve the issue, EB logs were inspected to identify the error message:
Then, the correct version of the nodejs was specified in