I am very new to programming in Python and I just had a question as to why when I call a function it doesn't work. I see the TypeError
about die_roll
needing two arguments but why isn't that covered by self.result
when added to the parenthesis?
import random
def die_roll(self, result):
self.result = random.randint(1, 10)
print "Roll the dice, Dennis. "
print "You have rolled a %s!" % self.result
print ("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
print (" Welcome... ")
print (" TO THE WORST GAME IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! ")
print (" REALLY, IT IS QUITE BAD. YOU'LL SEE...... ")
print ("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n")
name = raw_input('Welcome to this awful adventure. Please enter your name to get started: \n')
print "\n%s? I don't like that name. \n" % (name)
name1 = raw_input('Try again: \n')
print "\n%s?! Really? That's the best you can do? You know what - just forget it. You will be called Dennis. \n" % (name1)
print "I happen to like Dennis. It's a good name. Regal. It's nice to meet you.... Dennis. \n"
print "You begin your adventure peering into a long, gloomy cave. You move by rolling a 10-sided dice.\n"
print "You will encounter random enemies along the way. If your combined rolls equal 100, you win!\n"
You are defining your function as
This tells python interpreter that die_roll , needs two arguments self and result.
I am guessing you copied this method from within some other class, because self is the normal naming convention for the first parameter to a method in a class, in the later case, self (first parameter) refers to 'this' (from c++ or java) .
From the function body, it seems like you do not need any parameters, maybe you can try -