I'm using php Gmagick to modify images. The following code works as expected except that the images are not progressive. Why? According to the GraphicsMagick docs it should. For reference, the input image is 666 x 1000.
$img = new Gmagick();
$img->setSize(900, 900)
->setImageResolution(96, 96)
->resizeImage(900, 1351, Gmagick::FILTER_UNDEFINED, 1);
Note that
$img->getImageInterlaceScheme() === Gmagick::INTERLACE_PLANE
does return true after setting it.
I've tried both the INTERLACE_LINE and INTERLACE_PLANE constants. With neither seeming to have an effect on the output.
The original author created a bug on php.net (https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=66444), where the correct answer was eventually posted. You need to use the undocumented method:
Instead of:
This worked for me! For reference I am using PHP 5.4.20 with gmagick 1.1.7RC2 on top of GraphicsMagick 1.3.18.