Why doesn't my WTForms-JSON form update correctly?

664 views Asked by At

I am developing a web page that reads JSON and presents it in a form using WTForms-JSON. When I submit the form, form.data isn't updated. Why isn't this working?


from flask import render_template, flash, redirect, request
from app import app
from .forms import PolicyForm
import json
import urllib2

@app.route('/policy', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def policy():
    url = 'http://dcdemoappsrv1:8081/direct/policy?policyNumber=000000005&everything=true&discounts=true&coverages=true&vehicles=true&nonDescribedVehicle=true&applicant=true&drivers=true&namedInsureds=true&additionalListedInsureds=true'
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
    pol_json = json.loads(response) 

    form = PolicyForm.from_json(pol_json)

    if form.validate_on_submit():
        flash('data=%s' % str(form.data))
        flash('form pol no =%s' % str(form.policyNumber.data))
        return redirect('/index')

    flash('inital data=%s' % str(form.data))
    return render_template('policy.html',  title='Policy Form', form=form)


from wtforms import Form
from wtforms.fields import BooleanField, StringField, TextField, FloatField, FormField, IntegerField, DateField, SubmitField
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, InputRequired

class Address(Form):
    street = TextField('Street', validators=[InputRequired()])
    street2 = TextField('Street2')
    city = TextField('City', validators=[InputRequired()])
    state = TextField('State', validators=[InputRequired()])
    zip = TextField('Zip', validators=[InputRequired()])
    county = TextField('County', validators=[InputRequired()])
    latitude = FloatField('Latitude')
    longitude = FloatField('Longitude')
    id = StringField('ID')

class Applicant(Form):
    firstName = TextField('First Name', validators=[InputRequired()])
    lastName = TextField('Last Name', validators=[InputRequired()])
    birthDate = DateField('Birth Date', validators=[InputRequired()])
    age = IntegerField('Age', validators=[InputRequired()])
    id = StringField('ID')

class PolicyForm(Form):
    policyNumber = TextField('Policy Number')
    applicant = FormField(Applicant, label='Applicant')
    address = FormField(Address, label='Address')
<!-- extend from base layout -->
{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}
  {%  import "__formhelpers.html" as forms %}
<form action="/policy" method="POST" name='policy'>
{{ forms.render(form) }}
<p><input type="Submit" value="Update Policy"></p>
{% endblock %}


{% macro render(form) %}
{% for field in form if field.type not in ["HiddenField", "CSRFTokenField"] %}
    <dt>{{ field.label }} </dt>
    <dd>{{ field }}
    {% if field.errors %}
        <ul class="errors">
        {% for error in field.errors %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}</dd>
{% endfor %}
{{ form.hidden_tag() }}
{% endmacro %}

There are 1 answers

davidism On BEST ANSWER

You are always populating the form with the remote JSON data. You should only do this when first presenting the form, not when processing the submitted data.

# ...
if not form.is_submitted():
    data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url))
    form = PolicyForm.from_json(data)
    form = PolicyForm()  # will populate from submitted data

if form.validate_on_submit():
# ...