My webpage only has the output: {:user {}}
with the following code.
(ns omn1.core
[ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
[om.dom :as dom :refer [div]]
[goog.dom :as gdom]))
(defui MyComponent
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:user])
(let [data (om/props this)]
(div nil (str data)))))
(def app-state (atom {:user {:name "Fenton"}}))
(defn reader [{q :query st :state} _ _]
(.log js/console (str "q: " q))
{:value (om/db->tree q @app-state @app-state)})
(def parser (om/parser {:read reader}))
(def reconciler
{:state app-state
:parser parser}))
(om/add-root! reconciler MyComponent (gdom/getElement "app"))
When I check the browser console, I notice that my query is nil. Why doesn't it get passed into my reader function?
This comes from a motivation to keep my code to a minimal # of LOC as possible, and also DRY. So I'd like to have one read function that will work with a properly set up database, and normal nominal queries. If you pass regular queries to om/db->tree
indeed db->tree
does this. db->tree
will take any proper query and return you a filled out tree of data. Maybe another way to phrase the question is can someone demonstrate a reader function that does this? I.e. leveraging db->tree
to resolve the value of a query. I don't want to write a custom reader for each query I have. If all my queries obey the regular query syntax AND my DB is properly formatted, I should be able to use one reader function, no?
The example provided in the quick start - thinking with links doesn't work:
(defmethod read :items
[{:keys [query state]} k _]
(let [st @state]
{:value (om/db->tree query (get st k) st)}))
as stated before query is nil
sometimes, and the 2nd and 3rd arguments are different from what is proposed as how to use this function from the tests which all use: st
for both 2nd and 3rd arguments. Confused.
From the Om.Next Quick Start tutorial (,
has this signature:So there is no access to a query data structure.
Usually the setup is to have a multimethod for each query, and use the query's params to return some part of the state:
is thekey
of the query. So this is how you can access thekey
of the query.