I am trying to access the status_code of a valid url, however a 404 is returned although the link exists. Here is the line of code that returns me a 404:
This is the link of the PDF that i am trying to access: https://www.moh.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider5/local-situation-report/situation-report-21-jul-2020.pdf
Is anyone able to explain to me why i get a 404 from trying to access a valid url? Thank You.
It is giving status code 404 not found because you didn't pass the mandatory header Accept while requesting. Accept request-header field is to specify certain media types which are acceptable for the response.
Try the above code you will get status code 200
Added an image of google developer network section for more clarity.![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/lHf2p.jpg)