I'm attempting to write a compose function which can accept an arbitrary number of functions, store them in a closure, and apply each of those functions to an initial value. The actual application of the function composition executes in a tail call recursion _lCompose(). The issue I'm running into is the base case will console.log('acc', acc) the correct value but 'return acc' returns undefined
function addOne (a ) {
console.log('addone', a, a + 1)
return a + 1
function double (a) {
console.log('double', a, a * 2)
return a * 2;
function square (a) {
console.log('square', a, a * a)
return a * a;
const lCompose = (...args) => {
function _lCompose ( initialValue, acc, ...args ) {
//base case when no args remain, return acc
if ( !args.length ) {
console.log('acc', acc)
return acc;
} else {
// recurse, shift ...args and call head(acc)
const [head, ...tail] = args;
console.log('head', head)
const _acc = head(acc);
_lCompose (initialValue, _acc, ...tail )
// use _v twice to set as initial value and initial accumulator
return (initV, initAcc) => _lCompose(initV, initAcc, ...args)
const trans = lCompose(addOne, double, square);
trans(5, 5) // should return 144
Because you forgot to
the result of the recursive call.