I'm trying to archive my search results for a term by
- Using the Bing API in an async controller
- Inserting them into database using Entity Framework
using the Bing API and insert them into a database using entity framework. For whatever reason it is returning 50 results, but then it enters 100 results into the database.
My Controller Code:
public class DHWebServicesController : AsyncController
// GET: /WebService/
private DHContext context = new DHContext();
public void RunReportSetAsync(int id)
int iTotalCount = 1;
if (!context.DHSearchResults.Any(xx => xx.CityMarketComboRunID == id))
string strBingSearchUri = @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BingSearchURI"];
string strBingAccountKey = @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BingAccountKey"];
string strBingUserAccountKey = @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BingUserAccountKey"];
CityMarketComboRun cityMarketComboRun = context.CityMarketComboRuns.Include(xx => xx.CityMarketCombo).Include(xx => xx.CityMarketCombo.City).First(xx => xx.CityMarketComboRunID == id);
var bingContainer = new Bing.BingSearchContainer(new Uri(strBingSearchUri));
bingContainer.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(strBingUserAccountKey, strBingAccountKey);
// now we can build the query
Keyword keyword = context.Keywords.First();
var bingWebQuery = bingContainer.Web(keyword.Name, "en-US", "Moderate", cityMarketComboRun.CityMarketCombo.City.Latitude, cityMarketComboRun.CityMarketCombo.City.Longitude, null, null, null);
var bingWebResults = bingWebQuery.Execute();
context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
int i = 1;
DHSearchResult dhSearchResult = new DHSearchResult();
List<DHSearchResult> lst = new List<DHSearchResult>();
var webResults = bingWebResults.ToList();
foreach (var result in webResults)
dhSearchResult = new DHSearchResult();
dhSearchResult.BingID = result.ID;
dhSearchResult.CityMarketComboRunID = id;
dhSearchResult.Description = result.Description;
dhSearchResult.DisplayUrl = result.DisplayUrl;
dhSearchResult.KeywordID = keyword.KeywordID;
dhSearchResult.Created = DateTime.Now;
dhSearchResult.Modified = DateTime.Now;
dhSearchResult.Title = result.Title;
dhSearchResult.Url = result.Url;
dhSearchResult.Ordinal = i;
foreach (DHSearchResult c in lst)
AsyncManager.Parameters["message"] = "The total number of results was "+lst.Count+". And there are " + context.DHSearchResults.Count().ToString();
AsyncManager.Parameters["message"] = "You have already run this report";
public string RunReportSetCompleted(string message)
string str = message;
return str;
Here is how I am calling it from my asp.net mvc 4 page.
@Ajax.ActionLink("Run Report", "GatherKeywordsFromBing", "DHWebServices",
new { id=item.CityMarketComboRunID},
new AjaxOptions { OnSuccess = "ShowNotifier();", UpdateTargetId = "TopNotifierMessage", HttpMethod = "POST", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, LoadingElementId = strCityMarketComboProgressID, LoadingElementDuration = 1000 },
new { @class = "ViewLink" })
<span class="ProgressIndicator" id="@strCityMarketComboProgressID"><img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/img/SmallBall.gif")" alt="loading" /></span>
For whatever reason all of
Try saving only once:
Also there's nothing asynchronous in your code, so there's no point of using asynchronous controller. Not only that it won't improve anything but it might make things worse.